Just because we’re building stories and finding out about people’s experience through the site doesn’t mean we’re not also keen on the hard facts. When it comes to contraception, STIs and pregnancy there are lots to chose from, so here are some we thought you might find interesting.
- There are 15 types of contraception. How many can you name?
- The most popular methods are the condom (42%) and the pill (25%).
- Despite the choice, FPA estimates nearly 2 million women in the UK are not happy with their method of contraception and almost one in three UK women aged 18-49 typically spends just 5 minutes selecting which method to use.
- 90% of women will use contraception at some point in their lives – don’t think of this as a minority campaign!
- For every £1 spent on contraception, £12 is saved to the NHS – investing in contraception makes sense.
- In 2005, NICE calculated that the NHS in England could save more than £100 million each year by improving access to long-acting reversible methods of contraception, like the implant or the IUS.
- Thanks to investment in services, education and information, the under-18 pregnancy rate has dropped 25% in the last 10 years. We’re worried that good work will be undermined if we don’t take action.