When studying the instructions for taking Viagra, it is important to pay attention to the section on the interaction of this drug with other drugs in order to avoid unwanted effects.
Losartan with Viagra
Losartan is a widely used antihypertensive drug belonging to the category of angiotensin II receptor blockers type AT1. This drug is used to lower blood pressure on a permanent basis.
However, even when taken without any other concomitant medications, Losartan can cause too strong a decrease in blood pressure in some patients. This can result in side effects such as dizziness, fainting, fainting, headache, rapid pulse, tachycardia. Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient of Viagra, can enhance the effect of Losartan on lowering blood pressure, especially if a man is highly sensitive to Losartan. You can understand whether this is true by analyzing your feelings after taking Losartan. But, of course, the most reliable way is to monitor your blood pressure with a tonometer. For some patients, the combination of Losartan and Viagra is not harmful at all, because Viagra causes an increase in blood pressure. However, for those patients with arterial hypertension who react strongly to Losartan, in most cases it is better to refuse to take Viagra together with it or at least reduce the dosage to 25 mg to avoid loss of consciousness and other unpleasant and dangerous side effects.
Can I Take Duodart and Viagra Together?
Duodart is a combination drug that includes the active ingredients dutasteride and tamsulosin. They have a complementary mechanism of action, that is, they act on the body more effectively together. Duodart is used to treat and prevent the progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia by reducing its size and eliminating lower urinary tract symptoms. Duodart affects the body by reducing the concentration of dihydrotestosterone, the main androgen responsible for hyperplasia of the glandular tissue of the prostate gland. This drug can reduce the need for surgical treatment of prostate adenoma.
Tamsulosin helps to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, bladder neck and prostatic urethra and improve urine flow. This helps to reduce obstructive and irritative symptoms.
When using dutasteride simultaneously with PDE-5 inhibitors, including Viagra, no significant drug interactions are noted. There is a theoretical risk of increased hypotensive effect when using tamsulosin together with drugs that can lower blood pressure, including Sildenafil citrate. If a man has a tendency to low blood pressure, it is better to avoid the combination of Viagra and Duodart. If blood pressure is usually normal, such a combination of drugs is not prohibited.
Viagra and Antidepressants: Reddit Review
In the modern world, filled with unpredictable crises, problems, accelerated pace of life and generally a huge amount of stress, it is not surprising that antidepressants are very popular drugs. The breadth of their use is growing literally every day. It is difficult to maintain peace of mind and order in the head under the weight of a huge number of problems and challenges. Antidepressants help to cope with increased anxiety, mental disorders, depressive moods, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders and many other conditions. In fact, they are able to return the joy of life to a person. However, unfortunately, antidepressants have a downside. Both men and women note it, but men probably suffer from this feature of antidepressants more than the fair half of humanity. Antidepressants significantly reduce libido. Each drug, of course, affects each patient in its own way, and some have less effect on potency. However, in general, alas, you have to pay for an improved mental state with sexual abilities. Deterioration of potency due to taking antidepressants is the most common case of erectile dysfunction caused by taking medications.
Taking antidepressants is not a contraindication for taking Viagra. Moreover, many even recommend using PDE-5 inhibitors if you have symptoms of erectile dysfunction caused by taking antidepressants. The most popular of them is Viagra. It is difficult to stay in a good moral condition while experiencing a decrease in sexual performance. Taking Viagra helps minimize the impact of antidepressants on sexual function. However, even such an effective drug as Viagra is not always able to fully return a man’s pleasure from sex, because Viagra doesn’t affect the libido itself. It only facilitates the onset of an erection. Many Reddit users note that taking Viagra has allowed them to minimize the antidepressants that are damaging their sexual life.
Can You Take Both Cialis and Viagra Together
Taking Viagra and Cialis at the same time is a question that interests many men who have problems with potency. Both drugs have similar effects and belong to the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. They help relax blood vessels, improving blood flow to the genitals, which helps achieve and maintain an erection. However, combining these medications can be associated with greater risks. Taking them at the same time can increase the likelihood of side effects such as headaches, facial flushing, digestive disorders, or even serious cardiovascular complications.
There can be no positive effect from taking both drugs at the same time. Potency will not improve. But the harm to health can be more than serious, so don’t try to combine Viagra and Cialis at the same time, even as an experiment. At least a day must pass between taking these two drugs so that the previous drug can be completely eliminated from the body.